We are often asked by readers ”How to Check Ricoh Printer IP”?
Knowing how to find the IP address of your printer is one of the most important things that any printer owner should know.
That is because you never know when you might require it. You cannot keep calling a technician for every technical snag that you find on your electronic devices. The first thing to know is that each connected device on a TCP/IP network comes with its IP address.
You can use that to connect with other devices on your machine. When you own the Ricoh printer, then you will need to know how to change IP address on Ricoh printer. That is what we are going to be reading about in this post.
How to Check Ricoh Printer IP? – Steps to check your Ricoh Printer IP
You can find a wide range of printers and copiers in the Ricoh family. The ideal way to know the Ricoh machine’s IP address is to verify the Ricoh IP address configuration page. Here, you can notice that it has the network settings.
On the network settings, you can find the Ricoh IP address login. Some of the latest Ricoh printers, like the C5000 printer, allow you to find the printer IP instantly. For this, you need to go to the User Tools, then move to the System Settings.
Then choose the Interface Settings and the Machine IPv4 Address. You can also use the main copy screen labeled “System Status” at the bottom of the tab. When you use that, you can find several data on the printer status, like the IP address.

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How to find a printer’s IP address (Windows 10)?
- Open the control panel. Then go to the Hardware and Sound, and Devices and Printers.
- Now, use the right-click and choose the printer, and select Properties.
- Then search in the web services for the IP address.
- You can also check in the Ports tab for your IP address.
Here, you will want to know that the printer driver uses a WSD (Web Services for Devices) for connecting on the TCP/IP port. Based on the one you want to use; few tabs appear on the mini-window on your monitor.
Ways to find a printer’s IP address (in Mac OS)
- You should open the System Preferences by choosing the Apple logo found on the left.
- Choose the Printers and Scanners.
- Choose the printer from the left-hand column.
- Choose the Options and Supplies option.
- The IP address is a 12-digit number found under the Location.
On the Windows Vista OS, you can make use of the Network Map. That is because, the connected devices have the Network Map on them. They can show you the printer, and then you can move your mouse to find the IP address.
If your PC machine is set on the Ricoh printer, then you may notice that the Ricoh printer not getting IP address. In this case, you can choose the printer icon found below the Printers and Faxes on your Vista or XP OS and choose the Printer Properties.
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How can you Update your Ricoh Printer Driver?
This is an important step to be able to how to find printer IP address.
- You can visit the Ricoh’s official website.
- In the search bar, you would want to enter the printer model number.
- You need to click on see details> drivers.
- Then inside that, you have to click on the download drivers and utilities.
- Choose the proper operating system on your machine, and bit.
- Now, choose the driver language> download.
The above steps can help update your Ricoh printer device and enable you on how to find IP address on saving printer.
Final thoughts on checking Ricoh printer IP
This is it. We have ended our post on how to check Ricoh printer IP. We hope that you benefited from reading the post and understand how to do the needful the next time. Please, remember that your machine should be connected to a reliable internet connection for ensuring that the printer can make the connection through the router.