Gaming fanboys, great news for you! Acer on Thursday, launched the Gaming headset Predator Galea 500 gaming headset in India. The headset which will be available both online & offline is priced at Rs. 12,999.One of the highlight of the headse is the Acer’s “TrueHarmony 3D Soudscape’ technology for immersive sound experience.
Predator Galea 500 & Cestus 500
This feature will recreate the acoustic space based on the orientation of the player’s head and provides the truly immersive feel. The device supports three modes – ‘EQ Music’ , ‘Movie’ & ‘Sport’ based on the requirement. Apart from this, Acre also launched ‘Cestus 500’ gaming mouse for Rs 4,599 .
“We are happy to launch ‘Galea 500’ gaming headset and ‘Cestus 500’ gaming mouse in India that have been designed to appeal to the hardcore gamers,” Chandrahas Panigrahi, CMO and Consumer Business Head, Acer, said in a statement.