Bose Smart Speakers
Home Speaker 500
The 8-inch tall boxy setup speakers come with good and sturdy built. The deice has several buttons on the top and a mini-screen to display album art. The speakers use two custom driers pointed in opposite directions to reflect sound off surrounding walls, separating instruments to the far left and right, and placing vocals where the artist did. This one is priced at $400 taking on the popular Google Home Max speaker.
Soundbar500 & 700
Soundbarspeakers are meant to be paired with your TV for music and home theatre audio. Proving awesome quality, they come with features likePhaseguides,Quietport, andADAPTiQ. TheSoundbar700 is priced at $800 whereas the 500 series is priced at $550.
Bose has mentioned that it will soon add support for other AI assistants as well and also Apple Airplay 2 by next year. The speakers go on sale from October.