Realme has started to send out Android 10 OTA update for its users in India from today. The confirmation came with users reporting on the update in Realme community. Realme India has been consistent in providing updates for their phones which is one of the reason why the company has become so successful in short time. Even, the 2 year old Realme C1 recently got the May 2020 security patch update. So, the 2019 Realme 5 series getting Android 10 should not come as a surprise. Apart from the new Android version, you also get various performance improvements and features.
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Realme 5, 5i & 5s Android 10 Update
The latest update is with firmware RMX2030EX.11.C.45 gets the new Realme UI with Android 10 running underneath. The changes to Realme UI are in the wallpapers, animations and visuals, new icons, and an optimized camera app. As per the changelog , new features include
👉 New smart sidebar that lets you quickly access apps
👉 Multi-window sessions
👉 New improvements to the screenshot experience
👉 Tweaks to the Game Space apps
👉 New built-in ringtones selector
👉 Option to pause a screen recording in the new floating control
This new Realme UI 10 update is rolling out in stages and if you have not got it already, expect to receive within two weeks. Also, you can go to your phone’s Settings-> Software Update and check if the update is already available or not.