How To Edit PNG image for an Instagram Viral Photo

viral instagram

Hold your breath, and let’s dive deeply into creating a viral Instagram post that goes off.

What Is Viral Instagram Photo?

When we say viral photo, It means content that makes people Like the photo, tag their friends, comment on it, and save it to their album. Viral photos get significantly more engagement than your normal posts usually get.

You know we have a viral post when a post hits 1,00,000+ likes and views, and thousands of comments while being posted on an account that has a few hundred or a few thousand followers.

Now going viral isn’t that easy, as you need to have many things working in your favour which happens rarely.

However, we can take out some of the guesswork. One piece of the puzzle is high-quality content that people want to share and give a like. In this article, we’ll explore the 3 ways to create a viral Instagram photo.

Let’s get started.

2 Proven Ways to Create a Viral Instagram Post

Copy Paste + add your twist to it

The idea is quite simple.

First, you need to find posts that have done well and gotten viral in the past. You can use ViralFindr or other similar tools and search posts using hashtags or usernames. Most Instagram analytics tools will give you a good idea of trending content.

Alternatively, you can explore your Instagram feed and see what’s trending. You’ll probably starts seeing the pattern in what type of content gets more engagement than normal content.

After, going through the feed, try to figure out what type of video or photo you can reproduce and make it better. The approach is to take the idea of the post and recreate it.

Keep in mind that posts by nature are “viral”. Photo of a cute cat, a nicely designed workstation, or a breakfast table will get more likes than other less interesting posts. Still, they won’t necessarily go “viral”.

Leverage The Viral Instagram Content that gets attention on others

Instagram isn’t the only platform to look for trending and viral content. Definitely, look for what people are sharing and getting more engagement on Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat, Twitter, and other social media platforms.

When you find something trending, do a quick search on Instagram and see if that particular clip shows up or not. If not, it makes sense to use the very same piece of content.

Make sure you always give credit to the content author. And if possible, try to get written permission from the content author.

How to edit a PNG image for an Instagram viral photo?

To edit a PNG image for Instagram, you will need to open the image in an editing program such as Adobe Photoshop. Once the image is open, you can make any changes, such as adding text, filters, or even changing the colours.

Once you are satisfied with your changes, you can then save the image and upload it to your Instagram account.

Tips for creating a viral Instagram photo

  1. Pick an eye-catching image: A vibrant, colourful image is more likely to catch someone’s attention than a dull one.
  2. Use hashtags: Hashtags are a great way to get your photo seen by more people. Use relevant, popular hashtags to increase your chances of being found.
  3. Post at the right time: The best time to post on Instagram is during peak hours when people are most active. Posting during off-peak hours will likely result in fewer people seeing your photo.
  4. Give it a clever caption: A clever, funny, or interesting caption will entice people to take a look at your photo.

I hope these tips will inspire you and help you go out there and create amazing content.

Remember, the content you put out there defines your ‘personality’. It gives you a voice, too, and gives your brand a shine. If you are just posting viral and viral videos, it will become the home of viral videos. Is this something you really want?

It is good to say that going viral on Instagram with every post shouldn’t b your goal on Instagram.

If you haven’t got exposure yet, then it might be a great idea to browse around and see if something is there, you can create and has the potential to get viral.

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