Best Free To-Do List Tools available Online

best free to-do list app

When it comes to performing a very simple task like sending a mail or doing collective set of activities, setting up reminders and tracking them is a must. This will help to complete the tasks at hand effectively on time. The Best Free To-Do List Tools discussed here are very useful and makes your job easier and more efficient in this regard.

So lets check out some of the best free To-Do List tools currently available and how they help to increasing productivity.

Best Free To-Do List Apps

Once you login to (after free signup), the application will present you with some basic questions to setup your initial tasks. The basic level of categorization of the tasks like Personal,Work and errands are present. You can create a new Project, by clicking the plus or ‘Add’ button and present the details. Further more customization options like, adding priorities, deadlines and labels/filters are available.

The application is web-based so you can access it on any computer and also there is a mobile application too for update on the go.Finally, there is a premium version with additional features like ‘Add task via Email’, ‘Auto backup’,’location-based notification’ etc.However we feel the free version should be more than enough for basic needs.

Also Read: Best Free Software for Download has a attractive visual interface which helps you in organizing tasks, collaborating with members using inbuilt productivity tools  and support for Android/iOS Apps.

The web-based interface is very simple and plain, showing the tasks along with tick box options for checking post completion. There is the option of having the high-priority task in bold for better tracking. Apart from these, features like time tracking,sharing tasks,’location based notifications’ etc. Though the flow of working is straight forward, the learning curve is bit steep compared to


Microsoft To-Do App

Microsoft To-Do App is very simple to-do list tool present in all windows 10 system (you can download from windows store).You just type in your task to add them and also organise them.For tasks which needs immediate attention, you can drag it to ‘My day’ section.

Apart from that you can also defer the task to later days. The simplistic work flow is both the advantage and disadvantgae of the App. After abanding the Wunderlist, Microsoft are hoping to enhance and improve using various features in the coming period. As a To-Do list tool, this application performance is very good but when it comes to add on features it needs to catch up with others soon.

Also Read : How to customize new tab page in chrome for better productivity is web-based application (available on Android and iOS as well) which differs in the approach of To-do list by offering card-like structure to organise tasks by when they are due.

You can do this by putting the tasks in four columns Today,Tomorrow,Upcoming and Someday and view them accordingly. Another highlight of the App is the presence of ‘Assistant’ which automatically reviews your tasks and mark the ones which it can do for you.There are both free and premium versions present.

Trello is more like a project management tool than just a time-tick application. You can organize projects using a card-based system that provides a visual flow of tasks as they are completed. This way tasks can be organized and prioritized flexible and rewarding manner.

All these tasks can be tracked and followed up using the inbuilt tools present in the app.Being web-based application, you can use it on any computer and free version offers great features for a to-do list tool perspective.


So these are some of the best free To-Do list app for you to use , so please check and let us know how you find them.Also, if you think there is other programs which we missed and worthy of being the best , please mention that in the comments section.We’ll be more than happy to add them in our list.

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