Best and Free Browser Tools – Chrome and Firefox

In this article, we’ll look into some of the best and free plugins available for Chrome and Firefox browser.These free browser tools will help in simplifying tasks and increase productivity.

First lets check few Chrome Browser Tools

Free Browser Tools – Chrome Browser

1.This is Click Bait

The chrome extension ‘this is click bait’ helps to detect whether the title of the post on Facebook is clickbait or not.This is done using deep learning as per the developer of the plugin.

The usage of this extension is straight forward.Once installed in browser and when in Facebook for posts which are Clickbait , a small label will be highlighted to indicate the same.


This chrome extension will allow to simplify a long post or webpage by providing a summary of main points of that webpage.Instantly you get summary of the page after you click the tlda icon in the browser post installation.


3. Tab Revolution

Tab Revolution plugin helps in presenting the working tabs in Chrome browser even when the browser is in Full Screen Mode.Once installed and after going into Full screen mode, the open tabs are shown when mouse is scrolled at the Top. You have the option of Pin/Unpin and  Mute/Unmute tabs.This plugin helps to improve the productivity greatly.



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4. Sortem

Sortem extension is exclusive for Amazon customers. The reason being the sole purpose of this plugin is to  add an option to ‘sort Amazon results by number of reviews’. This will greatly help for customers who do comparisons of similar products in the E-commerce portal. Supported Amazon Domains as per developer

- *://
- *://
- *://
- *://
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- *://
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5.Who Deleted Me

As the name suggest , the only purpose of this plugin is to report on people who have removed or un-subscribed from friends in Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Another feature is that a notification will be sent to you right away when a friends leaves you.This plugin will be useful personally as well as for business.


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Free Browser Tools – FireFox

1.Quora Login Byepass

This add-on performs a very simple trick where one can bye-pass the Login step to view Quora posts and forums.Currently Quora asks for mandatory login to browse more Q&As and this can be avoided using this add-on. Please note only read access is possible using this add-on.


2.Page Scroller

This add-on helps in automatic page scroll down any webpage for you.Post installing, press ‘+’, ‘-‘ (to move faster or slower) or ESC (to stop). You can even drag and drop the scroller box anywhere on the page you like. This is the simple instruction given by the developer to use this add-on. Page scroller should reduce your work especially when doing multitasking.



3. Smart Tab Mute

Smart Tab Mute is a very critical plugin today when we do multitasking and go through various webpages by opening them in different tabs. Imagine you have a tab open somewhere in the background playing music. Now, in your current tab, you start playing a video. Smart Tab Mute will automatically mute the background tab, and un-mute it again once the video has finished playing.


Herewith we conclude the list of extensions and add-ons for Chrome and Firefox Browsers.In case you liked it, please share by clicking the icon at the end of  the post and help us in realizing the goal of our website ‘Learn More & Share Even More’.

Please let us know if we have missed any other good plugins in the comments section or any generic feedback on our list.We seriously consider and value your comments & feedback, as the below saying goes,

“We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.”
– Bill Gates


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