Android 7.1.2 update causing issue in fingerprint sensors in Google Pixel and Nexus devices

Android 7.1.2

Issues reported by users in Android 7.1.2 update in Google Pixel and Nexus devices


Recently, Google rolled out Android 7.1.2 update to Google Pixel and Nexus devices across various regions. This update brought along several bug fixes plaguing the Nougat version. Now we hear there have been reports from google forums that several users are facing issue in the fingerprint scanner feature due to this update.


After the updating to Android 7.1.2, the device fails to recognize the fingerprint of the user attributable to authentication issue in the fingerprint sensor hardware. The error message popped up was like ‘Fingerprint hardware not available’. Google has now acknowledged that the issue is noted by the company and are requesting further feedback from the users to gather sufficient data.

A new thread within the support forum is opened by Google to collect data from users who are experiencing the same issue post update. Normal debugging procedure like restarting mobile, deleting existing and adding new fingerprints are not working as per users.

So we guess google will look into this and provide a fix via update very soon. With fingerprint sensors becoming one of the important feature for a smart phone these days, it’s vital to correct this issue to not compromise the security aspect and user experience.

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